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5 Reasons Why You NEED Puppy and Kitten Therapy 🤯

Here at Urban Paws🐾, we understand that our furry companions can profoundly impact our emotional health and well-being. This is why we take immense pride in curating a diverse selection of therapy pets for your corporate events, through Puppy and Kitten Therapy! 🐶🐱 

Now, you might be wondering how these adorable creatures work their magic on your mood👇🏻👀 

Four puppies playing on a marble floor

👋🏼 Here are five quick ways that puppy and kitten therapy can brighten your day🌈:

1 – Cuteness Overload 

The gentle, affectionate nature of the animals can instil in us a sense of calm and warmth. This will inevitably improve our mood 🥰

2 – Therapeutic Touch

Engaging in the simple act of stroking and petting animals can redirect our focus. This is parallel to the soothing effects of meditation 🧘

3 – The LOVE Factor

Research indicates that spending time with puppies and kittens can allow us to release oxytocin, which is famously known as ‘The Love Chemical’ ❤️

4 – Forging Bonds and Healing Hearts

Embracing this form of therapy allows us a deeper connection with animals. This can also offer relief from a range of physical and mental concerns 🏋️💭

5 – Beyond Emotional Comfort

Moreover, the benefits extend far beyond emotional well-being!

These include reduced blood pressure, enhanced cardiovascular health, and the development of vital social skills 🦋

Four kittens laying in a line on a clean white floor

Uncover a sense of inner peace by booking our puppy and kitten therapy services today. They certainly are the PAW-fect addition to your corporate events! 👫💫

Find out more about our puppy and kitten therapy opportunities!

Is your pet destined for

Sign up with Ireland’s leading animal talent agency! Add your pet to our “talent for hire” directory now and let their star shine!

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Shine bright with your

We’re constantly seeking fresh human talent, and if you believe you and your furry companion have the skills, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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