Meet Becky!
Introducing the super talented Jack Russell terrier for hire, Becky. The Jack Russell is a popular family dog in Ireland and thus an easily recognised breed in advertising and marketing.
Becky is a highly skilled actor. She is trick trained with two trick titles behind her. Also to add to this, Becky her Novice and Intermediate trick titles meaning there is very little this small but mighty dog can perform. With a huge array of skills and behaviours, Becky is confident responding from a distance to verbal and voice signals.Becky is a very smart little dog and loves to engage in lots of different activities such as tricks and agility. She loves to pose for the camera and loves to be around people, soaking up all the attention!
True to her breed, Beck is a typical terrier being cheeky, adventurous and lots of energy. She has won several dog talent and trick competitions and is used to performing trick routines off the lead. Both in front of crowds and with lots of distractions.
In all, Becky the Jack Russell terrier for hire is a suitable animal actor for complex roles in advertising and marketing.
Little Becky has onset experience, having worked for Happy Tails Treats bandanas. She has also modelled Clownfish Designs’ biothane gear.